You can pay future instalments early with no penalty by logging in to your account in the Zip mobile app or online customer portal here. If you pay an instalment early.
If you pay an instalment before it's due, our system will know that you've already paid and won't deduct it again.
Please note: Any time you make a manual payment with a card, this card will be the card used for all future automatic payments on that order, regardless of which card is set as the default card on your Zip account.
Mobile App
- Navigate to Payments
- Select the upcoming payment
- Tap Pay $xxx instalment, or Pay full balance to pay the whole outstanding balance
Online Customer Portal
- Navigate to Payments
- Select the upcoming instalment and click Pay Now.
- Choose which saved card you'd like to pay with, and whether you'd like to pay just one instalment or the whole outstanding balance on the order