Due to some recent changes made by card issuers (Visa and Mastercard), you may find that your payment is declining, although there are funds available and you have successfully used the same card for your Zip payments in the past.
This is a global issue and is not isolated to Zip, so unfortunately you may have the same problem with your card payments via other providers.
We appreciate how frustrating this is, and our team is currently working with Visa and Mastercard on a longer term solution to minimise the impact to our customers. In the meantime however, you may need to remove the card from your Zip profile and add it again. In some cases, you may need to do this for each instalment payment.
If your payment has failed when your card is definitely valid and there are funds available, please try the following:
- Delete your current card. If it is the only card on your profile, you may need to add it again, and then delete the previous version
- Re-add the same card and set this as the default card for your payments
- Try making the payment manually
- If you are unable to re-add your card, please reach out to your bank and ask for them to bypass 3D secure so you can try again.
- Try adding another card to make your payments
- If the problem persists or you don’t have another card, you can make your payments by bank transfer; just follow the instructions in this article. Please also get in touch with our team here to let us know.