If you'd like to make early payments, please see this article for instructions
You can choose your preferred payment day at checkout before confirming your order!
Instructions on this new feature here.
Select customers can now reschedule payments to a later date in the app and customer portal, using our new Move Payments feature.
⚠ Please note: Purchasing will be paused which means you won't be able to make new purchases until your moved instalment(s) has been paid.
If you don't have access to the Move Payments feature yet, our Customer Experience team can action your request. We can push out your payment date by up to 7 days, as long as:
- The instalment payment is not due today
- There are no missed payments on your account
- The order payment date has not been moved once before
Please note, we require at least 2 business days' notice for changes of this type and can only move payments once per order. Reach out to us here.
What happens if we cannot move your payment date
- A default fee is automatically added the day after your missed payment.
- An additional fee will be charged weekly from the scheduled instalment date, so please make payment manually as soon as possible to avoid further fees. You'll find instructions on how to make a manual payment in here.
- Our system will automatically attempt to deduct any missed payment 3 days, 7 days and 10 days after the due date. Once an instalment is in the queue, unfortunately, we are unable to prevent these payment attempts.
If you require a payment date change of more than 7 days, we can offer an alternative payment solution to bring your account back up-to-date. For more information, please read our financial hardship article here.