Returns and cancellations are between you and the retailer. Please contact the merchant in the first instance to if you wish to return/cancel a purchase or check on the status of a refund. The amount and type of return you can make on a product will always be determined by the returns policy of the merchant you bought the item from. You should be able to find out your options by checking their returns policy on their website or by contacting them directly. If any refund or cancellation is agreed in accordance with the retailer’s terms and conditions, the retailer can process a refund on your Zip order and it will automatically come through to us and be reflected in your payment plan. Please allow up to 5 business days for any refund to your credit or debit card to show on your card's statement.
If you have only returned part of your order and still have future payments to make, the amount of the refund will be applied to your future instalments. When this happens, the amount of the refund reduces your last payment first. More information on how refunds are applied to your Zip order here.
If you still have not received your refund, please submit a request with the following information:
- The Zip order number (you can find this on your Zip account)
- Expected refund amount (e.g. the amount of the returned item(s))
- Confirmation from the retailer of your return or refund
- Any communication sent to or received from the retailer regarding your order or refund
Please send through the above information so that we can follow up with the merchant and get your refund back to you as quickly as possible.