You can locate your monthly tax reports and remittance information by accessing your merchant portal here.
Navigate to the Balance and Tax reports to the top right, to display a breakdown of payments made to you by Zip.
Your payments are broken down into the following categories:
- Amount: Order value
- Fees: Merchant Service Fee (MSF)
- Fees GST: GST is calculated from MSF
- Total: Remittance payment less MSF + GST
Example Reconciliation:
- Amount: $200.00
- MSF: 4.5%
Your remittance is calculated as follows:
MSF calculation:
$200 * 4.5% = $9
GST is calculated from MSF:
15% * $9 = $1.35
Final calculation:
$200 - ($9 + $1.35) = $189.65
- You can export monthly remittance information as a .csv file
- You can export your monthly tax reports as PDF files